Fare Media ID Encoding and printing Module, Flexible pass generation for any type of program. The riders data is collected in a secure application that records and updates all edits made to the record.  Every Id cards that is printed is given a unique serial number and logged in the record holders account. The system has the ability to encode your Fare Structure for either Magnetic or Smart Cards as period passes so that they can be read on Fareboxes. These ID cards are made to last years.  

Print and Encode:

PARA Transit /ADA ID’s

Employee ID/Passes

Retiree and Dependent passes

Reduced Fare ID Passes

Gain control of the distribution, ridership and management of printed ID Passes. If an ID is lost or stolen the old pass is turned off. If the AFM Point Of Sale Module is purchased at the same time as Fare Media ID Module the system can be setup to keep records of pass sales to account holders.